Latest Publications
MSPB regularly releases major studies, shorter research briefs, and the Issues of Merit newsletter to assess and evaluate Federal merit system policies, operations, and practices. Periodically, we also administer Federal employee surveys and conduct other forms of stakeholder outreach. Below, you will find the most recent publications, announcements, and other informational materials that may be of interest to our stakeholders.
Issues of Merit September 2023
- Sexual Harassment in Federal Workplaces: 2021 Update This research brief summarizes the results from MSPB's most recent survey of Federal employees regarding their experiences with sexual harassment, as well as their perspectives on their agencies' efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment. The brief further examines actions that employees took (or chose not to take) in response to sexual harassment and their perceptions of the outcomes of these actions.
- Perceptions of Prohibited Personnel Practices: An Update
This report uses data from multiple surveys to track the prevalence of perceptions of prohibited personnel practices (PPPs). - Sexual Harassment in Federal Workplaces: Understanding and Addressing the Problem
This report examines the prevalence and types of sexual harassment behaviors in Federal workplaces and provides detailed recommendations to agencies regarding how to better prevent and respond to sexual harassment. More inside... - MSPB Research Agenda 2022-2026
MSPB's anticipated research activities for 2022–2026, including a list of topics for possible study. - Confidence in Ability to Perform Successfully
This brief examines Federal employees’ Confidence in Ability to Perform Successfully (CAPS). Governmentwide survey results show a relationship between CAPS and how employees think about career paths, work tasks, task outcomes, work-related competencies, and engagement. The brief also presents implications of CAPS for managing work and employee counseling and development. More inside...